Tissue fixation is used for several reasons, including prevention of putrefaction from bacteria, autolysis from enzyme degradation and loss of soluble substances. Most tissue fixation also helps enhance staining in later techniques like immunohistochemistry, if required and also routine haematoxylin and eosin staining.
Fixation preserves a sample of biological material (tissue or cells) as close to its natural state as possible in the process of preparing tissue for examination.
To achieve this, several conditions usually must be met.
Some of the more popular and traditional fixative solutions are shown below (click each line for details). Those chosen are simply representative of the major groups. Some of these reagents can be purchased from us ready-to-use.
Code | Description | Packaging |
0207119 | B5 fixative | 6 x 250 ml |
01BOU1000 | Bouin fixative | 1 lt |
01BOU5000 | Bouin Fixative | 5 lt |
0207116Z | Bouin fixative concentrated solution | 6 x 1 lt |
07-118 | Bouin Hollande fixative | 20 x 500 ml |
0207103 | Buffered formalin OsM certified | 20 lt |
01BFC500 | Carnoy’s fixative | 500 ml |
01BFC1000 | Carnoy’s fixative | 1000 ml |
01HLBFHD5000 | Fixative Davidson Hartman | 5 lt |
01HLBFHD500 | Fixative Davidson Hartman | 500 ml |
01HLBFHD1000 | Fixative Davidson Hartman | 1000 ml |
01F37H10000 | Formaldehyde 37% for use in histology | 10 lt |
01F37H5000 | Formaldehyde 37% for use in histology | 5 lt |
01F37H1000 | Formaldehyde 37% for use in histology | 1 lt |
0207111 | Formalin acetate buffer | 4 x 5 lt |
07-122 | Formalin Acid Alcohol (F.A.A.) | 1000 ml |
07-112 | Formalin fosfate buffer | 4 x 5 lt |
0207107 | Formalin Millioning Carson pH 7,2-7,4 | 4 x 5 lt |
00376-500 | Glutaraldehyde, Biological Grade, 25% | 4 x 500 ml |
00376-4 | Glutaraldehyde, Biological Grade, 25% | 4 x 500 ml |
00377-4 | Glutaraldehyde, Biological Grade, 50% | 4 x 1000 ml |
00377-1 | Glutaraldehyde, Biological Grade, 50% | 1000 ml |
00377-500 | Glutaraldehyde, Biological Grade, 50% | 500 ml |
DR003 | Histo-Fix - 10% neutral buffered formalin | 20 lt. |
DR002 | Histo-Fix - 10% neutral buffered formalin | 10 lt. |
DR001 | Histo-Fix - 10% neutral buffered formalin | 4 x 5 lt. |
16-100 | Kaiserling I fixative | 4x5 lt |
16-101 | Kaiserling II fixative | 6x500 ml |
22872-5 | Karnovsky’s Fixative | 5 Kit |
MTF-10000 | Michel's Transport Fluid | 10 lt |
MTF999 | Michel's Transport Fluid | 1 lt |
MTF500 | Michel's Transport Fluid | 500 ml |
MTW500 | Michel's Transport Wash Buffer | 500 ml |
MTW999 | Michel's Transport Wash Buffer | 1 lt |
24355-500 | Modified Davidson's Fixative (Hartmann's Fixative) | 500 ml |
07-115 | NoTox - formalin substitute | 4 x 5 lt |
24616-500 | Soft Block - Hard Tissue Softening Formula | 500 ml |
24775-250 | Soft Nail - Soften Keratin | 250 ml |
HL82076 | Tap for container | 5 pz. |
07-120 | Zamboni fixative | 6 x 500 ml |