
Fouchet Van Gieson sec. Kutlick - kit
Code : 01FVG100T

Three-reagent kit for displaying bilirubin and collagen 

Fouchet-Van Gieson kit is used for simultaneous visualization of bilirubin and collagen in histological samples. Bilirubin is a yellow-brown pigment created as a result of hemoglobin degradation. Hemoglobin degradation occurs in bone marrow, spleen, and liver. In case of patients that suffer from hepatitis, bilirubin builds up in the form of thrombus in bile ducts and in form of granules in hepatocytes and in cytoplasm of Küpfer cells. Pigment is insoluble in water and in water fixatives. However, in case of too long exposure to formalin fixatives it may turn green. 
The color that is created during staining using Fouchet-Van Gieson kit is due to strong oxidoreduction of the complex and subsequent conversion to biliverdin (green). False positive reaction may be checked using Perls kit - in that case Perls reaction will always be negative to bilirubin. 

Bilirubin - green
Collagen - red
Muscle tissue, glial fibers, cytoplasm, corneal epithelium - yellow


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